Who Can Eat All That Meat? …The Hauser Lion Diet

The Lion Diet Type is a radical diet. It contains 60% protein, 25% fat, and only 15% carbohydrates. This translates into 0 servings of fruit and simple carbs per day and only 2 vegetable servings and 2 complex carbohydrate servings per day. The rest of the meals are filled up with protein and fats.

You might be thinking that the person who follows this diet is going to have a cholesterol problem after one month on the diet. Quite the contrary! The person who tests out to be a Lion Diet Type is in severe need of a carbohydrate reduction. They, most likely, already suffer from problems with cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.

Most often, people who type out Lions are headed toward development of Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X. Their bodies need a total shift away from carbohydrates – at least for a time. This will help normalize their blood sugar levels which are often elevated; as well as optimize their blood lipid levels.

Does this seem counter productive? Giving fat and protein to people with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels?

It might seem that way to the average person, but the bottom line here is that your body is trying to tell you something. You are feeding it the wrong fuel. You need to jump start your engine. If you don’t believe us, we can tell you that we have seen many patients completely turn around their lipid levels and normalize their glucose levels just by getting on the Lion Diet. Once these levels normalize, most people can be liberalized to an Otter or even a Bear Diet Type, based on their repeat testing.

Should I Eliminate Carbs Completely?

A lot of people lose weight by following a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. Many people have nearly eliminated carbohydrates from their diets. You should not get rid off all the carbs, your brain and body must have some carbohydrates every day. Complex carbohydrates (those rich in whole grains and fiber) helps your body in a lot of ways including keeping your bowels regular!

In addition, people have come to believe that a low carb food can be eaten in infinite quantities without gaining weight, and that is simply not true. Eat enough of anything, and you’ll gain weight. Complex carbohydrates keep you feeling full longer, helping you eat less.

The Lion Diet calls for about 15% of your calories to come from carbohydrates.

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