Vitamin D and Your Health

SunMore and more research has been accumulating on the importance having healthy levels of Vitamin D in the blood. Back in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s when we first started Caring Medical, we were testing patients’ Vitamin D levels – and nearly everyone was deficient. Did you know that at least 50-60% (likely even more) of Americans are deficient in this essential vitamin?

Let’s take a look at Vitamin D. Thankfully the primary source of vitamin D is from the sun. Another benefit of living in SW FL – ample sunshine! Unfortunately, one of the causes of deficiency of vitamin D is frequent use of sunscreen which blocks the body’s ability to make vitamin D. We typically avoid using sunscreen (most are toxic anyway!) and use sun shirts, hats, and sunglasses in addition to going outside primarily in the mornings and late afternoons. It is generally recommended to get at least 10-15 minutes of direct sunshine exposure daily without sunscreen for those with fairer skin, while those with darker skin will likely need more time in the sun to make enough vitamin D at about 40 minutes per day.

This sunshine vitamin has been well-documented to play an important role in maintaining healthy bones and overall body bone structure. But that is not ALL vitamin D does to keep us healthy! Maintaining optimal blood Vitamin D levels can add years to our lives and help keep us healthier as we age.

When people age, they lose the ability to synthesize the vitamin D through sun exposure, which puts older people at greater risk for deficiency and the associated diseases. Many researchers have published on the relationship of vitamin D status to slowing age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS, and many others.

A 2019 research review discussed the health benefits of vitamin D to include bone health and immunity, as well as protection from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, skin conditions, arthritis, fatigue, chronic pain, and infections. Vitamin D provides a protective effect on cell function that reduces bad inflammation.

Vitamin D, or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is a fat-soluable vitamin that is considered essential because we cannot make enough on our own without exposure to sun and/or intake from food. When UV-B sun rays hit the skin, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is made which is the more active form.

How to optimize your vitamin D status? Get outside! Optimizing vitamin D status is yet another reason to keep moving and get outside! Eat vitamin D-containing foods such as fish, cod liver oil, eggs, fortified dairy products including milk or nut milks, and portobello mushrooms. If you find yourself inside a lot, you may need supplementation. The RDA is 600 IU per day of vitamin D3 up to age 70, 800 IU over 70. We and other health experts have found that higher doses may produce more beneficial and protective effects, especially when fighting potential infections, up to 5000 IU per day or higher depending on the situation.

We hope to see you out there soaking up some sunshine in the near future! It does the body good!

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