The MIND Diet

Eating a healthy diet is good for the body. Certain diets, such as the MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay), have also been shown to improve brain health. A couple of the main benefits for the brain include lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and slowing cognitive decline. In fact, one study showed that people who stuck to the MIND diet lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 54%, and even those who made modest changes still reduced their risk by 35%. That’s extremely promising for a disease that affects more than 5 million Americans!

The MIND diet is similar to the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet, but includes specific foods that science has shown to be good for the brain.

Foods to include with the MIND diet:

  • Whole grains: 3+ servings per day
  • Green leafy vegetables: 6+ servings per week
  • Other vegetables: 1+ serving per day
  • Nuts: 5 servings per week
  • Berries: 2+ servings per week
  • Beans/legumes: 3+ servings per week
  • Fish: 1+ serving per week
  • Poultry: 2+ servings per week
  • Wine: 1 serving per day
  • Olive oil used as the main cooking oil

Foods minimized with the MIND diet:

  • Sweets: <5 servings per week
  • Red meat: <4 servings per week
  • Cheese: <1 serving per week
  • Fried/fast food: <1 serving per week
  • Butter/ margarine: <1 tablespoon per day

Scientific studies continue to prove that eating nutritious whole foods while avoiding processed, fried, and sugary foods is the way to go for better overall health, well-being, and longevity! For long-term benefits, these healthy eating patterns should be a way of life versus a temporary diet. Never underestimate the power of food!

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