Do you take time for rest? Or are you always busy?

Do you take time for rest? By Marylou Cash, RN, Clinical Manager

The story of Martha and Mary from Luke 10 is a common Bible story. Often you will hear people say “don’t be a Martha” as the story of these two sisters shows two different types of “love languages” being expressed.  Restful vs busy.

Mary is seen as a quiet, contemplative, humble person who sits at Jesus’ feet, resting in His presence, while Martha is presented as someone who rushes around trying to get things accomplished.

I want to encourage you to look for the positive attributes of striving to possess attributes of both Mary and Martha.

Often lessons on this passage focus on encouraging people to not be a “Martha” and to take more time to be quiet. And yes, many of us, like myself, are more of a “Martha.”

Like Martha, I am so focused on what I am doing and the busyness of my life.

I am not only focused on it, but I am proud of it! Herein lies the issue – attitude.

Task-oriented people accomplish a lot which is awesome, however, if we are so proud of our accomplishments that it turns into judgement, then we have accomplished nothing.

In the story, Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet while Martha was bustling about, getting things done. Martha then complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping her.

I am struck by Jesus’ response to Martha. As if Jesus is saying it to me too, “Marylou, oh Marylou you are worried and upset about many things, but only ONE thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Martha thought Mary’s style of serving was inferior to hers.

Jesus tells Martha that her sister did the one thing that is needed. She needed to be filled. And often, those who are very busy, also need to be filled.

Take time to rest. It is needed. We need not feel guilty about it either. I find that great peace and strength come from resting in God’s presence.

At other times in the Bible, Martha is commended for her hospitality and service to others, so we know that both rest and service are needed in life.

This is why I want to encourage you to have balance – both Mary and Martha attributes – in your lives.


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