Is it Normal to Wake Up Stiff and Achy?

We recently read a paper that stated, “Scientists have discovered that we wake up stiff because our body’s natural ibuprofen has not kicked in yet. Researchers at the Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes at University of Manchester’s Institute of Human Development state that by understanding how the biological clock regulates inflammation, we can begin to develop new treatments, which might exploit this knowledge.” IE more anti-inflammatory drugs! This, however, is incorrect. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, and chronic pain are not due to excessive inflammation. Most patients, and even their healthcare providers, are unaware of the true diagnoses that lead to pain/injury: destructive joint motions caused by ligament injury. Very small millimeter movements can produce excessive motion leading to joint instability.

Much like a loose hinge on a cabinet door needs tightening, the supporting joint and spine structures also need tightening. The treatment that tightens these loose structures is called proliferative injection therapy or Prolotherapy. Prolotherapy injections are given at the sites where the ligaments attach to the bones, thus stimulating healing cells, including your own stem cells, to repair the body’s injuries. Many people regain full function and are able to enjoy active, healthy lives avoiding surgery and chronic pain medications.

It is vital to remain active even after receiving Prolotherapy treatments. We cannot stress the importance to continuing to keep moving every day! Sanibel Island is known for being one of the best places to stay active all year round! We are so blessed to be able to use the amazing multi-use paths that cover Sanibel to Captiva, as well as our famous beaches where you can catch a gorgeous sunrise or sunset while finding shell treasures along the way! See you out there!

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