Mood Boosters

Life can be stressful, and sometimes it is downright difficult. But there are many ways to stimulate your senses that can boost your mood or that of your loved one. Spending time outdoors tends to be an excellent mood booster. Take a stroll through a nature preserve or botanical garden, or get your hands dirty in your own garden. Physical exercise can also significantly improve mood by regulating the chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and serotonin. With diet, the secret to happiness is choosing healthy fats. People who consume higher amounts of essential fatty acids, like those in olive oil, salmon, and walnuts, are less likely to be depressed. To excite the artistic part of the brain, playing your favorite music or visiting an art gallery can do the trick.

Loneliness isn’t just a bummer, it’s actually not good for your health, and can be just as dangerous as smoking, obesity or a sedentary lifestyle! Whereas people with a network of friends stay more active and even live longer. Good friends can encourage you to make better choices and decrease depression. When you’re feeling down, a phone call or meet up with a friend helps you to feel connected. Social interaction is good for your heart, digestion, and immune system. It heals your mind and your body, combatting illness and stress.

Healing touch can also improve mood, and provide a sense of well-being. Therapies like massage or reflexology are rejuvenating options, but do not underestimate the power of something as simple as a hug from a loved one after a hard day.

When your mood takes a nose dive, go for a walk with a friend or give them a call and put a smile back on your face. Just that smile alone can give you some feel-good endorphins!

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