Meditate for Your Mind, Mood, and Overall Health

Meditate for Your Mind, Mood, and Overall HealthDani Shank, RT

The benefits of meditation are widespread and produce many positive effects on one’s health including stress reduction, improvement in pain control, and mood elevation, in addition to stimulating the immune system and overall metabolic function of the body. Think about it, when the body is under stress, your heart rate is elevated, your breathing is quickened, and your blood pressure increases. When you are under prolonged stress, your adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol which can contribute to sleep deprivation, brain fog, depressed immunity, heart disease, and anxiety, to name a few things.

When is the best time to meditate and how do I do it? I find meditating in the evening to be very beneficial. I prefer to meditate when I’m getting ready for bed, because it calms me down and helps me sleep better, which we all know is very important for optimal health. There have been times where I was struggling to sleep and took 5 minutes to meditate and clear my mind and was able to sleep after.

Really, meditation is not difficult. The part that is most difficult is taking the time to slow down and chill out, disconnecting from your devices! There are many guided meditations as well as apps available that are easy to follow for beginners. You can meditate anywhere from a few minutes or a few hours. I usually meditate for at least ten minutes, sometimes a little longer depending on how I am feeling. I always instantly feel better after meditating. Meditation is also something you can do anytime of the day if you are feeling overwhelmed and need to clear your mind. Many smart watches have mindfulness apps that trigger reminders to take time to deep breathe and/or meditate for even just a minute or two.

Create a calming environment. When I meditate, I like to light candles or incense, or use my diffuser with essential oils. Although these things are not necessary for mediation, they can help produce a more relaxing environment. You can mediate either sitting or lying down. You want to make sure you are in a comfortable position and can relax your entire body.

During mediation you focus on taking deep breaths in and deep breaths out. Concentrate on how deep breathing makes your body feel, bringing oxygen to your every cell in your body. You may find it difficult to clear your mind when you first start, but the more you meditate, the easier it will get for you.

Most meditation experts suggest clearing the mind of your worries, and focusing on good things, positive things, healing things. In a world that seems profoundly negative, meditating can help you put that behind you.

You can also mediate with another person if are comfortable with that, but it can be very comforting. Some people even meditate in groups.

Meditating allows you to be more mindful and live in the present. We want to encourage you to take a few minutes for yourself to recharge!  Meditating is something that does not take much time to do but dramatically improves your mind, mood, and health!

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