What Makes a Person Happy

What exactly is it that makes us happy? Money? Social status? Larger homes or material possessions? Even though we might think more money is the easy answer, it doesn’t seem to be true. The people of Denmark routinely rank among the happiest country and most satisfied, but they are 17th in income rankings. The U.S. is number 1 financially, but falls far behind in satisfaction and work-life balance. Research just does not demonstrate that more money equals more happiness.

What does make a person happy then? People who express gratitude, practice optimism, extend forgiveness, engage in fun events, and who participate in acts of kindness are actually those who are the happiest. The feel-good chemical dopamine is released when we experience pleasurable activities, such as listening to music. Do you know which action results in the most happiness? Gratitude! Practicing gratitude on a regular basis beats out pleasurable activities as far as making us happy. Where you live makes a difference too! Floridians and others who live in the South are the happiest, and those in the Northeast, well…not so much. All of the sunshine and southern hospitality can do a person good! Guess which age is the happiest? It’s not the younger folks. The increased wisdom and emotional health that come with age apparently make those over 50 less stressed and happier!

Think you’re not hardwired to be one of the happy ones? Not necessarily. We really aren’t naturally happy or unhappy, or powerless to change. True, we do have our individual personalities that can make a person seem more naturally positive or happy, and we can encourage others to engage in activities that bring out a happier and more satisfied version of themselves! Positivity can be contagious!

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