Is Your Brain Clogged?

Is Your Brain Clogged?In this article, we will use the analogy of a clogged toilet to describe the problems of a brain, maybe your brain, which is not draining its toxic fluids and replenishing its clean fluids properly.

Do you ever wonder what these waste products from brain neuron activity may cause and what happens when these fluids back up and cannot be flushed out of the brain?

What symptoms would you feel?

Understanding the brain fluids: The brain’s interstitial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid provides cushion, shock-absorbing functions, and nourishing support to the brain’s nerve cells.

The complex brain interstitial system is the communication and exchange network between the vascular system (blood circulation system) and nerve messaging networks. The nutrients and oxygen the blood brings in is exchanged for waste products in the brain. This vital role helps bring energy (nutrition) to the nerve messaging network while removing waste elements to prevent “clogs.” Disruptions of this function can lead people to have the neurologic-type symptoms.

The symptoms and conditions of this brain fluid back up are progressive and cumulative in nature. If nothing is done, the destruction will continue.

Sudden onset of anxiety.

An emotionally happy person can start progressing towards being someone who is overwhelmed with anxiety when they were never anxious before.

Development of depression.

A person can develop depression, lethargy, hopelessness, and emotional numbing. Dissociation can set in, where the person does not feel like themselves and may feel that they do not belong in their families or relationships anymore. You may say they are disenfranchised from themselves.

Onset of cognitive decline

Someone who is “sharp” will suddenly have brain fog or feel like they are “getting dumber as the day goes on.”

Loss of focus and the ability to work. 

As the progressive and degenerative elements of the brain toilet obstruction continues, severe brain fog may ensue, to the point of finding it impossible to work and function, perform normal daily chores, and participate in normal daily activities.

Why is this happening? To summarize, when the toilet clogs, if you try to flush the toilet, the fresh fluid from the toilet tank will combine with the toxic water in the bowl to cause an overflow. An overflow in the brain will lead to increased intracranial pressure.

Obstruction occurs in the arteries and veins by the misplaced C1 vertebrae and accompanying cervical spine instability. The obstruction prevents normal fluid flow into and out of the brain. Ultimately, an cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in various parts of the brain including the frontal lobe. This will eventually lead to the destruction of brain neurons and brain tissue. This can be an underlying cause of severe brain fog and mental decline in people with cervical instability. The brain contains one billion neurons or nerve cells. For these nerve cells to be healthy, fluid must flow into and out of the brain appropriately.

The main fluid in the brain is the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that we have been talking about. Not only does it cushion the brain, but it is also critical to ensuring the right distribution of substances between the various cells of the body, and it allows the removal of waste products from the brain through the brain’s lymphatic system.

Metabolic waste products from the neurons diffuse rapidly into the CSF and move into the brain’s lymphatic system and eventually into the veins such as the vertebral and inferior vena cava. Cerebrospinal fluid flow is driven by net blood flow into and out of the brain. If the blood flow in or out is stops or slows for any reason, cerebrospinal fluid flow will also be slow. This slowing may result in many detrimental effects as the pressure inside the brain cavity increases and the brain’s ability to remove toxic metabolites decreases.

To achieve brain health, the blood supply and drainage must meet the demand of its metabolic activity. The areas of the brain of extreme importance, those that involve intelligence and problem solving, such as the anterior cingulate cortex and frontal lobe cortex, have the highest metabolic demands and are very susceptible to injury by a clogged brain toilet.

When these vital areas of the brain become injured, the first noticeable symptom will often be brain fatigue or brain fog, if the brain toilet is not unclogged, symptoms will progress to extreme lethargy, emotional numbing, dissociation, severe depression, and hopelessness.

Even if the brain toilet obstruction is low-level, if it goes on for too long, it will cause the slow but progressive destruction of brain tissue and brain neurons. As more brain tissue is lost (front lobe atrophy, for example) a person’s mental capacity and emotional well-being continue to decline.

We have personally seen many young people in their twenties that would appear to have Alzheimer’s dementia if one were just to do an intelligence or memory test on them. That is how bad it can get. With the resolution of their cervical instability and cervical dysstructure that caused their clogged brain toilet, their intellect, emotional stability, and mental capacities return.

Resolution of the cervical instability requires skilled regenerative medicine providers such as Dr. Hauser and Danielle here at Caring Medical who can accurately assess, diagnose, and treat the condition utilizing H3 (Hackett-Hemwall-Hauser) Prolotherapy and other Caring Medical modalities.

The other part of the healing picture involves YOU. We will provide coaching tips regarding what you need to do when you go home and go about your life. Obviously one of the first things to learn is to look up and to put the phone down! We do not want to see you sitting out in front of the building scrolling! 😊

We also encourage you to think healing.

Get in healing mode.

Assess: What you eat, what you drink, what you watch, what you read, what you listen to, what you do, and who you hang around with.

Choose healthy, positive input.

If you feel you may be suffering from some of these symptoms, it is time to address them. Do not put it off. We all know what happens if you leave a clog in the toilet too long – and it is not pretty!

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