Healing Takes Time

Healing Takes TimeDanielle Steilen-Matias, MMS, PA-C

We are each on our own individual healing journeys. Past experiences, hurts, injuries – all come into play as we heal our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Let’s look at the physical healing journey. Our Caring Medical treatments such as Prolotherapy, PRP, stem cell injections, curve correction, nerve releases, as well as changing our health habits – all require time. Regenerative medicine treatments stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Our overall health status – both physical and emotional – influences how well our bodies can heal. Just like planting a garden, when you plant a seed, it doesn’t just sprout into a full-grown plant overnight. It needs the right conditions, nourishment, and time to grow. Similarly, our bodies require the proper care and time to fully recover.

Let’s look at the emotional aspect of healing. Our emotional and mental well-being both play a significant role in the healing process. When we face heartache, loss, or trauma, we must allow ourselves to acknowledge the impact these events have on our healing journeys. These things are a journey in and of themselves! Many of our patients have experienced losses in these areas and we encourage them to validate the need to heal in these areas in conjunction with their physical healing. The Psalms give us these comforting words (Psalm 14703) God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds…” Praying, meditating, and strengthening our faith can bring a lot of peace in this area.

We want to encourage you to remember that healing takes patience, as well as giving yourself the grace to go through the process. Realize, if you were training for a marathon or a triathlon – preparedness wouldn’t happen in an instant – (unless you were super-human – but most of us are not!). It requires consistent effort and gentle understanding of where you are in the process now. Give yourself permission to rest, grieve (if needed), and seek support from those who love you.

May you come out stronger, wiser, and more resilient than you thought possible. Enjoy the journey, friends.

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