Completing Your Course of Treatment

repair timelineThe end goal of receiving Prolotherapy treatments is to enable you to return to full activity, symptom-free. With our unique method of Prolotherapy called comprehensive H3 (Hackett-Hemwall-Hauser) Prolotherapy, we treat the entire injured area(s), as well as address the whole body so that it can heal optimally.

At the root cause of chronic pain is joint instability, which is caused by loose ligaments (the structures that hold joints together). Muscles spasm or overwork to help stabilize the joint(s), so although patients may experience muscle imbalances, often the underlying cause is ligament laxity.

Loose ligaments cause destructive joint forces, resulting in symptoms like pain, bone spurs, swelling, and muscle spasms. Ultimately, the destructive joint forces cause cellular death and joint/cartilage/disc/labrum/meniscus degeneration. Prolotherapy is the only treatment for loose ligaments.

Prolotherapy stimulates the body to repair itself through the process of inflammation.

Instability will continue to progress if left untreated. It will not stay the same, but worsen, as well as the pain and accompanying symptoms. If you do not stop the process, it will continue. The way to stop it is to cure the instability – with Prolotherapy.

Healing is progressive too!

Ligaments are white tissues, meaning they have poor blood and nutrient supply; thus, they are slow healers. Prolotherapy stimulates the healing cascade, whereby the body is alerted to the tissue damage and begins sending additional nutrients and healing cells to tighten and strengthen the ligaments.

Follow-up is crucial with Prolotherapy. Each time you receive Prolotherapy injections the healing cascade is strengthened. The average cure rate for excellent candidates is 90%, good candidates, 75%, and poor candidates 10%. Relieving the symptoms of a chronic condition takes time. Therefore, the average person typically requires 3-6 visits at 1-month intervals, so the healing tissues can build. And healing continues for months afterward as well.

We, therefore, encourage you to keep on keeping on.

Do YOUR part. Follow the recommended guidelines from your provider with regard to eating a healthy diet, maintaining adequate hydration, moving your body every day, exercising within the limits of your injury, and completing your recommended course of treatment.

Remember, our goal is to keep you active for life!

Keep working!

Keep playing sports!

Keep being mobile and active!

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