Belly Fat

Everyone has some belly fat. But one type of fat, called visceral fat, can build up deep inside, and accumulate around the heart, lungs and liver, affecting well-being. We need some visceral fat to protect our organs, but with too much, the regular areas that store fat get used up, and the body then stores it in other areas like around the heart and organs, making us prone to diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and cancer. The extra fat also releases unhealthy substances.

The key to keeping belly fat down is staying active. Vigorous exercise is a great way to get rid of all kinds of fat. Walking works too, as long as it’s brisk enough to get your heart rate up. Building muscle is crucial, so make sure strength training is part of your exercise routine. Those who include strength training have been shown to accumulate less abdominal fat than those who just do aerobic exercise. Research also shows that bursts of high intensity exercise in the midst of any workout, by speeding up or working harder for brief periods, then dropping back to a more mellow pace, and repeating, is effective at belly fat burning. Since jogging and outdoor exercise is not for everyone, workouts on stationary bikes, elliptical and rowing machines are beneficial too. Check with your physician for fitness program suggestions if you are currently sedentary.

We understand this battle becomes more difficult as we age and experience a decreased metabolism. But by upgrading our physical activity level, choosing more plant foods and fiber, sleeping between 6-8 hours, and decreasing mental stress, we can help to lessen belly fat and keep visceral fat from building. Plus, these have the added benefits of making you feel more energetic, alert, and youthful overall!

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