80% of Living Longer is in Your Control

healthyAs you know, we are fans of the BlueZones project. Dan Buettner, Found of BlueZones “…traveled the world for National Geographic to identify the diet, eating patterns, and lifestyles of the world’s longest-lived people.” Adopting these principles makes it easy for everyone to eat and live in a way that gives them the best chance to live to be 100. We are born with certain genetics. But after that, we have a lot of control over what happens to us by controlling how we think and act. BlueZones.com has a Vitality Test that you can take that assesses your projected life expectancy and then gives you tips for lengthening your longevity. Check it out. Marion is going to live to be 100, by the way!

Living a life free of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes can be done by optimizing your lifestyle and the environment in which we choose to live our lives. We are blessed to live in SW FL where we can get outside every day, 365 days per year! We can grow a garden, walk, ride, swim, and have access to fresh food.

Here are some tips for increasing your longevity:

Including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your eating plan gives you a “plant slant” and has been associated with high vitality levels, disease prevention, and longevity. This means that your plate contains these items at every meal. This also means that processed food has been eliminated. When you eat like this, it becomes a way of life, not a diet.  Cutting out junk food from your diet might not be as hard as you think. Make the transition and do not bring that type of product into your home. We have a lot of great recipes on HauserDiet.com as does BlueZones, where you can create healthier snacks and treats.

Make a concerted effort to reduce anxiety and stress. We have all felt it and continue to feel it. As you know, we do not have TV in our home, we do not watch the news, and we do not watch mindless TV programs. That may sound drastic, but it dramatically reduces stress, complaining, and comparing. Significantly reducing time spent on social media and the internet also reduces anxiety and stress. You will be amazed at how much more time you have to do things that are healthier for you. Read a book! Marion reads a book or two per week on average – so much better for your brain! Learn a language, take up a new hobby, get outside in your yard. Plant some herbs and vegetables or flowers. Walk on the beach. So many things to do!

Reduce episodes of anger. This may be a hard one for some. We listened to a Daily Devotion this morning from Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life. He notes that our response to anger is under our control. Everyone has “crazy makers” in their lives. Reduce exposure to these types of people and control your response to them. Be peaceful. Speak kindly. You never know what someone else is going through. Love your neighbor as yourself.

And finally, improve your attitude. Bad thoughts can surface just about anywhere – in line at a coffee shop, in traffic, at work, or at home. Anger is a normal human emotion but coping effectively is key to health. Simmering anger can erode relationships as well as increase risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Find the coping strategies that help you live peacefully. We find that letting go and realizing that certain things are not within our control help us to not hold onto those types of situations.

Here’s to living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment!

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