5 Practices to Be the Best Version of You

The things you do shape you into becoming the person you are today. This begs the question, “Are your habits filling you with wisdom, compassion for others, and joy?” If most of us are honest, there are things in our lives that we would like to change. The good news is that the year 2020 is more than half over! AND the other good news is that it is never too late to make changes! This process takes time and we all face “giants” in our lives that can get in the way and cause us to self-destruct, sometimes without even realizing it.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Care about what God thinks vs what other people think. Are you a “people-pleaser?” Do you want everyone to like you? Are you afraid of disagreements? The mindset of pleasing others can lead to exhaustion and a feeling of never being good enough. Pray for wisdom in each situation.
  2. Build others up instead of tearing them down. Different and unique people and ways of thinking are part of what makes this a great country. Let’s not be so quick to judge, criticize, and label others just because we have differing opinions. Eliminate what gives you negative energy. Avoid criticizing others by not making assumptions and realize “it’s not about you.” Take a moment to walk in their shoes.
  3. Speak positively to YOURSELF instead of beating yourself up. Do you wake up and say things such as “I am so fat, I’ll never lose weight” or “I’m so stupid, I could never do that task.” Or any version of “I can’t”…? We can be our own worst enemies. Silence your inner critic and start looking at the miraculous unique creation that you are – totally loved by God and most likely many others as well!
  4. As Nike says, “just do it!” If you are a perfectionist, you may also be a procrastinator – which really is just self-sabotage. You are never too young or too old to become all that God wants you to be. Ask for wisdom, set goals that are manageable, and enlist an accountability partner.
  5. Embrace change, even if it may involve failure – or for that matter – success. Fear only holds us back.

Take action. The time is now.

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